Kia ora and welcome!
The Waikato Society of Potters welcomes new members all year round. Please join now to enjoy the benefits of membership.
We are so pleased to have you as a member. Clay is huge fun, but can be dangerous if not handled carefully. We want to keep you safe, so please read our Safe Studio Policy.
The membership fee is for a fixed term, is non-refundable and is fixed regardless of the joining date.
Society objectives
(a) Encourage and help the Studio Potter in the pursuit of their art, craft or hobby
(b) Stage and/or participate in exhibitions of Ceramics for the benefit of members
(c) Assist and promote the activities of members and any affiliated bodies or sub-groups the Society may establish or represent
(d) Promote educational and scientific activities which may assist members
(e) Provide opportunities for such social contact which will further relationships between potters, other artists, and the general public
(f) Provide, wherever possible, short term residency and use of the Society’s facilities to members who wish to proceed into a career in pottery.
Membership Privileges
- Use of all this equipment: 14 pottery wheels, Slab roller, 2 extruders, Pugmill, Large collection of moulds, 5 electric kilns, Gas kiln, Raku kiln, Wood kiln.
- Browse the ceramic library, free tea and coffee.
- Entry into the annual exhibition.
Annual Exhibition
This is a high quality exhibition which seeks to show the public a selection of work that our members are making. The entries are selected by a different selector each year.
Every Friday, a newsletter is sent to all members. The newsletter contains information on upcoming events, news, hints, articles on workshops and visiting potters, equipment for sale, etc.
Our website has the most up-to-date information on it regarding events, classes, facilities etc. See www.waikatopotters.co.nz
Resident Potters
The Workshops accommodate up to four resident potters or artists. One of the society’s objectives is to encourage studio potters, artists, and crafts people in the pursuit of their art or craft.
Classes and Workshops
Each term we hold a number of pottery classes – see the latest brochure or website for more details. In addition we have regular “Play with Clay” sessions during the week which run throughout the year. We also teach the studio component of the Otago Polytechnic Diploma in Ceramic Arts course.
Open Day
The Society holds an open day at least once a year. It’s a chance for the members to kick off the year with a bang and promote the Society to the public.
The studio is open for use by members from 9.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and 10am to 1pm Saturday, as long as no class is scheduled.less