Waikato Society of Potters
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Chucks, chums and lids with Tess May

A two-afternoon weekend workshop
Saturday 10th May 1:30pm - Sunday 11th May 2025 4:30pm
Where  Waikato Society of Potters, Cnr Ward Street & Seddon Road, Hamilton View Map
Who Tess May

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May 1.30 to 4.30pm

Ever had difficulty with turning pots on the wheel?. 
Learn how to create chucks and chums to minimise damage to rims and finish off narrow necked shapes professionally, whilst cutting back on the time it takes to turn.

You will learn how to make your own chuck and chum to fit your pots, which can prevent your beautiful clay creations from tipping over or gouging, and trim pieces with narrow, uneven, or fragile rims. Also learn how versatile chucks and chums can be to easily turn lids.

A chuck is a hollow, hourglass-shaped clay support for pots to sit in. A chum is a cone shaped support for pots to sit over.

Intermediate level throwing.

Day 1
Participants will throw cylinders, bowls, narrow-necked pots, a variety of lids and a chuck and a chum. 

Day 2
At leather hard stage the above will be turned to create well-crafted feet using a chuck and a chum. You will also learn how to turn lids using these devices.

Tools required for both days: throwing tools, ruler, calipers (optional).
While WSP has a range of tools in the studio to use, you might prefer to bring your own.
NB: Clay is not included in the ticket price, so you can either bring your own preferred clay or it can be purchased from WSP on the day.

Therese May

Theresa (Tess) started potting when she was 17 years old. Following 2 years of study at Queensland Art College, Tess worked as a production thrower at commercial potteries in Victoria and Queensland, including Australian ceramics giant, Robert Gordon. These days Tess works full-time at a correspondence kura teaching English and Art and is the President of the Waikato Society of Potters.


Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May 1.30 to 4.30pm Ever had difficulty with turning pots on the wheel?.  Learn how to create... more

Member $65.00

Non-member $80.00

All prices in NZ Dollars and include GST

You can pay for this booking by: Credit/Debit Card

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