Trouble-shoot your wheel throwing hurdles and take your skills to the next level in this one-day intermediate wheel throwing workshop with
Ginny Lane. Ginny is an experienced Waikato-based potter with a form and function focus in the making of domestic ware.
This workshop is suitable for potters with several years of wheel throwing experience who would like some help addressing specific throwing problems.
You will work on your own projects rather than throwing the same piece as part of an instructed lesson. Prior to the workshop, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the issues you are experiencing in your throwing work. You will bring along 2-4 samples of your work that illustrate areas you want to improve - these can be at any stage, from raw to bisqued to glaze fired etc.
Please also bring along pre-wedged balls of your clay of choice to throw on the day. This is helpful because some of the problems you are facing may be specific to the handling of specific clay-types. You will proceed to work on your own projects with the support of Ginny who will work with you to improve your techniques. Ginny will also provide demonstrations if people wish to see something specific.
If you aren't sure about whether this workshop is right for your skill level, please call the office for a chat.
Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappontment.
The images below illustrate two common throwing problems. In each photo the pot on the LH side shows the problem and the RH side pot shows the improvement in both form and function.
Bowl Slumping
2nd May 2021
Trouble-shoot your wheel throwing hurdles and take your skills to the next level in...
The event "Intermediate Wheel Throwing Workshop with Ginny Lane" has finished