Monthly workshops designed to support small-medium sized local community or charitable organisations through all aspects of managing their finances.
Do you dread reconciling spending for funders?
This session supports organisations to be able to report on how funds have been spent in a way that is accurate and meets funder requirements.
At this workshop you will discover how to:
- Know what your funder reporting requirements are
- Know what you can claim and what you can't
- Account for GST
- Reconcile funds spent
- Track spending if you don't use an accounting platform
- Use accounting platforms like Xero
- Reporting to the Funder
Templates, links to useful sites/ tools and a copy of the presentation will also be provided.
We are pleased to be able to deliver this monthly series free to local community organisations thanks to funding from TECT, BayTrust and Tauranga City Council.
There are 9 workshops in the series, check out individual topics and book any that interest you. less