The Zonta Club of Wellington invite you to join us for the annual breakfast event to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024.
Hosted by the Hon Louise Upston, Acting Minister for Women, the theme for 2024 is #InspireInclusion.
This event brings together some great speakers focused on how we can collectively forge a more inclusive world for women.
The keynote speakers are:
Hon Louise Upston - Acting Minister for Women, Minister for Community and Voluntary Sector, Social Development and Employment, and Child Poverty Reduction
Dame Miranda Harcourt - Internationally acclaimed actress and acting coach
Dame Farah Palmer - Pou Akonga (Executive Director) Māori Student Success, Massey University, and a former captain of the Black Ferns and Deputy Chair of New Zealand Rugby
- Chloe and Florence Van Dyke - co-founders of Chia Sisters, a majority women owned and led health beverage company
All tickets include a hot plant based breakfast.
Doors will open at 6.00am. We ask attendees to be seated by 6.45am for a 7am start and expect the event to be finished by 9.00am. Please allow time to pass through Parliamentary Security to make the 6.45am start.
We look forward to you joining us on Friday 8th March. When we inspire inclusion, we create a better world for women.
Please contact us at iwdbreakfast.wellington@gmail.comless